Tag: increase the value of your paintings

  • Choosing Art as a Career

    Choosing Art as a Career

    So you want to be an artist… is this a realistic career choice, or are you going to live in a cockroach-infested flat for the rest of your life, fulfilling the “starving artist” stereotype? In short, the odds of being a successful fine artist (someone who makes a living by creating original, one-off pieces of […]

  • Complementary Colors

    Complementary Colors

    The complementary color of a primary color (red, blue, or yellow) is the color you get by mixing the other two primary colors. So the complementary color of red is green, of blue is orange, and of yellow is purple. What About Secondary Colors? The complementary of a secondary color is the primary color that […]

  • Watercolor Painting Tips for Using Masking Fluid

    Watercolor Painting Tips for Using Masking Fluid

    To apply frisket, I use a plastic dental toothpick shaped like a not-quite-right-angled “L”. I have a whole plastic container of them that I got at the drugstore. It is wonderful for applying frisket. The short “L” end can lay the frisket down in a narrow ribbon, and the pointed end is obviously useful. The greatest […]

  • Techniques for Painting More Loosely

    Techniques for Painting More Loosely

    If you think your paintings are too tight and controlled, this collection of tips and techniques to try should help you work in a looser style. Don’t dismiss a technique without giving it a good try as while it may seem unlikely or perhaps even daft, you may well be very surprised by the results. […]

  • Reasons Why I Hate to Stop Painting….

    Reasons Why I Hate to Stop Painting….

    What things or events stop you from painting or interfere with your painting? And which do you hate the most?There are a lot that I relate to really well, and I’m sure you will to! 1. The phone or doorbell rings (again and again, and won’t be ignored.) 2. I have fix lunch or dinner […]

  • Ways to Boost Your Artistic Creativity

    Ways to Boost Your Artistic Creativity

    Your creativity is like a battery, you can’t keep using it and using it without recharging it. If you do, sooner or later it’ll run out, and you’ll get into a creative rut or stuck in creative block. Here are three ways to boost your creativity. If 20 minutes is all you can spare in a […]

  • 5 Ways to Destroy Your Artistic Creativity

    It’s to be expected that there will be ups and down in your level of artistic creativity, that some days you’re full of new ideas for paintings and others your brain feels dull. But there are also environmental and personal factors that can sap your energy for painting, so you end up having more dull […]

  • Are Pastels the Right Choice for You?

    Are Pastels the Right Choice for You?

    Advantages of Pastels: There’s no waiting for pastels to dry. Colors are mixed on the paper, not on a palette, by overlaying or blending them. A wide range of colors are available. No brushes to clean. Easy to use outside the studio. Oil-based pastels can be thinned and blended with turpentine, or scrapped off to reveal […]

  • How Can You be Sure You’ve Chosen the Right Paint?

    How Can You be Sure You’ve Chosen the Right Paint?

    Quite simply, you can’t be completely sure until you’ve worked with it for a bit. You’ll soon discover whether you enjoy working with it and the results, or not. Be sure that any frustrations are with the paint itself and not because your painting doesn’t look as good as you visualized it. The gap between […]

  • Is Oil Paint the Right Choice for You?

    Is Oil Paint the Right Choice for You?

    Advantages of Oil Paint: Dries slowly, allowing plenty of time to work and to blend colors. Once dried, can be over-painted without disturbing underlying layers. Rich, deep colors which maintain their intensity when dry. Can be used thickly or in thin, smooth glazes. Then there’s the status factor, oils being what the Old Masters used. Disadvantages […]


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