Tag: art lesson

  • Readers Respond: How Long Does It Take You to Complete a Painting?

    Readers Respond: How Long Does It Take You to Complete a Painting?

    Why Ask? Give anyone who asks this, the answer that Whistler gave to someone when asked how long it took to do his “Nocturne in Blue and Gold”. He said, “It has taken me a lifetime to get to where I can even begin to do this”. —Guest Flora Ideas Progress as Art Does I […]

  • Readers Respond: How Long Does It Take You to Complete a Painting?

    Readers Respond: How Long Does It Take You to Complete a Painting?

    By Marion Boddy-Evans As long it takes to be satisfied It takes me as long as it takes to be satisfied. Sometimes it is in an evening and some are still waiting to be finished because I wasn’t pleased and had to get away from it. It took me 5 weeks to finish one of my […]

  • Tips on Painting Ideas

    Tips on Painting Ideas

    By Marion Boddy-Evans I think one of the most important things to do is keep receptive to ideas. Open your mind so you visualize compositions. You have to always be thinking about painting. I see something and say how can I paint this? If you only copy from a photo eventually that’s all you will be […]

  • Art Journaling vs Scrapbooking

    Art Journaling vs Scrapbooking

    By Marion Boddy-Evans Exactly where art journaling stops and scrapbooking starts isn’t always clear, but there is a difference between the two in terms of intent. Art journaling is focused on the creation of a visual journal or diary using your artistic skills and techniques, whereas scrapbooking is focused on the collation and presentation of memories, […]

  • Keeping a Painting Creativity Journal

    Keeping a Painting Creativity Journal

    By Marion Boddy-Evans A painting creativity journal is a collection of the ideas you have and things that inspire you. It’s a place to record ideas that you can’t use immediately — you may think you’ll remember them, but one can’t remember everything, so it’s better to make a quick note and put it into your […]

  • How to Keep an Art Learning Log

    How to Keep an Art Learning Log

    By Marion Boddy-Evans An art learning log is a record of what you have done and learned in an art course, together with your thoughts on what you did. It should record not only what you created, but also include your analysis and opinion of your work, of the process of creating it, and what you […]

  • Dealing with Criticism: Stay True to Your Vision

    Dealing with Criticism: Stay True to Your Vision

    By Marion Boddy-Evans Twilitemgk said: “An artist’s responsibility is to stay true to his/her vision and develop his/her skill in the medium — it is not how others receive the finished product. As long as you are creating the art that his mind and soul longs to create, it really doesn’t matter what your classmates think […]

  • Dealing with Criticism: A Fertile Imagination is a Boon to an Artist

    Dealing with Criticism: A Fertile Imagination is a Boon to an Artist

    Cass said: “A fertile imagination is a boon to artists. Especially in surrealism where, at least right now, there seems to be more collectors than painters, a very good thing. With all the best artists are handed about being artists — ‘you’ll never make a living at that,’ etc. — I tend to think of artists in […]

  • How to Deal with Criticism About Your Art

    How to Deal with Criticism About Your Art

    By Marion Boddy-Evans Sheri said: “I was also in art school and attacked for not painting ‘pretty art’. I thought it was ridiculous for the other students to make these remarks and to judge me in this way. It bothered me for a long time, but finally I just told them, if you don’t like it, […]

  • Dealing with Criticism: Subject Matter Isn’t Legitimate

    Dealing with Criticism: Subject Matter Isn’t Legitimate

    By Marion Boddy-Evans Starrpoint said: “We are always being told we have to ‘think outside of the box’ but only in the way the other person sees it. If we don’t see the world their way, we are often criticized. We must be free-thinkers — their way.” “A clown in a cemetery. I would like to […]


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