The author Julia Cameron introduced me to the idea of an artist’s date in her best-selling book The Artist’s Way. It can be really hard for any of us to schedule time to spend on something we really want to do but persevere – the rewards are worth it.

My tips on creating your own ‘artist’s date’ are slightly different to Julia Cameron’s as hers are more about creating space for creativity in general.

Make a date specifically for sketching. Ideally by yourself or else with others who are going to be drawing too. Don’t try to do this with other people who are not drawing – believe me it just won’t work unless they go away and leave you alone for a set amount of time.

You don’t need fancy kit to get started – a small sketchbook and a pen and pencil is all – and perhaps a plastic pencil case or similar to keep it all neat and protect your bag from ink and graphite!

The author Julia Cameron introduced me to the idea of an artist’s date in her best-selling book The Artist’s Way. It can be really hard for any of us to schedule time to spend on something we really want to do but persevere – the rewards are worth it.

My tips on creating your own ‘artist’s date’ are slightly different to Julia Cameron’s as hers are more about creating space for creativity in general.

Make a date specifically for sketching. Ideally by yourself or else with others who are going to be drawing too. Don’t try to do this with other people who are not drawing – believe me it just won’t work unless they go away and leave you alone for a set amount of time.

You don’t need fancy kit to get started – a small sketchbook and a pen and pencil is all – and perhaps a plastic pencil case or similar to keep it all neat and protect your bag from ink and graphite!

Sketching People

  • If you want to draw people – perhaps hang out in a coffee shop at a railway station or in a park. But remember that people won’t be standing still for long so you’ll have to work quickly capturing their ‘gesture’ – great practice.
  • Choose a location/venue where you’ll be comfortable drawing – think about whether you’ll have somewhere to sit, what vantage points are there, will you be able to draw discreetly?
  • Let go of preconceptions. Sketching on location isn’t about producing a really worked-up piece of art – it’s about practicing your observation and drawing skills and giving yourself the space to practice just being an artist.
  • If you are drawing in a café or similar, buy something from them (and if you’re there a while, buy a few things!). It’s only fair if you are taking up a table that you behave like a paying customer. Also, choose a time that they are less busy and then they won’t resent you taking up a table.Do more than one drawing – you’ll need to warm up and get into it so let go of the critical self-judging lodger on your shoulder and just get stuck in. Fill your paper with little sketches…



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