By Marion Boddy-Evans
I have a small utility cart on wheels with three shelves (measuring 15×9″). I have tightly fitted the top section completely with blocks of Oasis (foam used for floral arrangements). Neatly insert your brushes (handle down of course) according to size and/or the brushes you use most often. You can easily fit about 70 brushes.
Tip from: Molly Nixon
I sometimes paint with a number of brushes at the same time and found it difficult to keep them from touching,and mixing the colors. But I solved the problem with a lovely, old, silver toast rack for 12 slices I found in an antiques store! Depending on the size of the brush, I can lay up to eight brushes,loaded with paint, down horizontally. Being separated by the rungs of the toast rack, they are all suspended in air and remain untainted by unwanted colors.
Tip from: Carmy Krief.
I never have enough hands when I’m painting — wet brushes in both hands and in my mouth — so I put a lot of dried beans (a mixture like 12-bean-soup beans) in a pitcher or an old coffee can and now I stick the brush handles right in the beans. It gives me a great place to put all the different brushes while I’m using them, and no worries about them rolling together or off the table. Looks kind of cute, and the price is right!
Tip from: Carol Quinn
I use a small pail full of play sand to store my brushes in, handle down. It works great. I have three I use to place the different types of brushes in.
Tip from: Mack Anderson
I use an empty tuna fish can to store my brushes. I cut a strip of corrugated cardboard, just a little bit less then the height of the tuna can. I rolled the cardboard into a coil and stuffed it into the tuna can so that the edge of the cardboard with all the corregation holes is visible. I then just put the end of the brush in one of the holes and it works great. It holds about a dozen wet brushes of all sizes. Cheap but effective.
Tip from: Don Waskiewicz
I have a small utility cart on wheels with three shelves (measuring 15×9″). I have tightly fitted the top section completely with blocks of Oasis (used for floral arrangements). Neatly insert your brushes (handle down of course) according to size and/or the brushes you use most often. You can easily fit about 70 brushes.
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