Tag: painting lesson
Keeping a Painting Creativity Journal
By Marion Boddy-Evans A painting creativity journal is a collection of the ideas you have and things that inspire you. It’s a place to record ideas that you can’t use immediately — you may think you’ll remember them, but one can’t remember everything, so it’s better to make a quick note and put it into your […]
Dealing with Criticism: Stay True to Your Vision
By Marion Boddy-Evans Twilitemgk said: “An artist’s responsibility is to stay true to his/her vision and develop his/her skill in the medium — it is not how others receive the finished product. As long as you are creating the art that his mind and soul longs to create, it really doesn’t matter what your classmates think […]
Dealing with Criticism: A Fertile Imagination is a Boon to an Artist
Cass said: “A fertile imagination is a boon to artists. Especially in surrealism where, at least right now, there seems to be more collectors than painters, a very good thing. With all the best artists are handed about being artists — ‘you’ll never make a living at that,’ etc. — I tend to think of artists in […]
10 Worst Painting Critiques
It can be tough knowing what to say when a friend asks you what you think about their latest painting or to give a critique. But there are some things you should never say if you value your friendship. 1. What is it? (You’re supposed to know and if you can’t tell, keep it to yourself as […]
Painting Critique Checklist
By Marion Boddy-Evans When you’re looking at a painting critically with a view to giving a critique to the artist and, equally, when you’re critiquing your own paintings, here are some of the things you ought to consider: • Size: Remember to take a look at the actual size of the painting and try to visualize it that […]
How to Critique a Painting
It’s only natural to want people to like our paintings, but if we’re to grow as artists, then we need statements that say a little more than simply “It’s nice” or “I love it” or “I don’t think this painting works”. We need information on what specifically is nice, loved, or isn’t working. Specific, constructive […]
Should an Oil Painting be Framed Under Glass?
There’s no need to frame an oil painting under glass if it’s painted on canvas, panel, or board. The exception is if the painting is done on paper or thin card, which should be framed under glass to protect the support from environmental damage more than the oil paint. With sturdier supports, the final varnish applied to the painting […]