Tag: artistic journey

  • Can I Use Artist’s Quality Oil Paint Over Student Grade Paint?

    By Marion Boddy-Evans “Like all fledgling oil painters, I’ve been fed the phrase fat over lean so many times I say it in my sleep. I get the basic idea: the paint on the bottom should not have as much oil as the paint above. Recently I’ve been upgrading from student to artist’s paint. Can I still use […]

  • Vanishing Lines in Perspective

    Vanishing Lines in Perspective

    Vanishing lines are imaginary lines used to create accurate perspective in a painting. They are drawn on the top and bottom horizontal edges of an object, along the object and then extended all the way to the horizon line. For instance on a building, there would be a vanishing line along the top of the roof […]

  • The Horizon Line in Perspective

    The Horizon Line in Perspective

    Horizon line is a confusing perspective term because when you hear it, you tend to immediately think of “the horizon” we see in nature. That is, the horizon as in the line where the land or sea meets the sky in the distance. In a painting, the horizon line might be this if you’re painting a landscape, […]

  • What is Perspective in Art?

    What is Perspective in Art?

    By Marion Boddy-Evans Perspective is an art technique for creating an illusion of three-dimensions (depth and space) on a two-dimensional (flat) surface. Perspective is what makes a painting seem to have form, distance, and look “real”. The same rules of perspective apply to all subjects, whether it’s a landscape, seascape, still life, interior scene, portrait, or figure painting. […]

  • Viewpoint in Perspective

    Viewpoint in Perspective

    By Marion Boddy-Evans Viewpoint is the spot (point) from which you, the artist, is looking at (viewing) the scene. Linear perspective is worked out according to this viewpoint. There’s no right or wrong choice of viewpoint, it’s simply the first decision you make when beginning to plan your composition and figure out the perspective. Normal viewpoint is […]

  • Selling Paintings: Which Subjects Sell Best?

    Selling Paintings: Which Subjects Sell Best?

    All painters know that some subjects sell better than others. Whether these are subjects you want to paint and whether you should be painting specifically for the market are two thorny questions. Only you can decide whether you want (or need) to paint with a view to selling as much as possible, or whether you […]

  • How to Write an Artist’s Statement

    How to Write an Artist’s Statement

    An artist’s statement is a short piece written by the artist to accompany a particular painting or group of paintings. An artist’s statement shouldn’t be dismissed as insignificant or dashed out in a hurry as it’s a vital selling tool, promoting and explaining your work to people looking at your paintings, whether they’re potential buyers, […]

  • How to Set a Price For a Painting

    How to Set a Price For a Painting

    Setting a price for a painting is hard. If you overprice your work, you may not sell anything but, conversely, if you under-price it you may not recoup your costs or get taken seriously. Here’s How: Research the market to find out what other artists are charging in your area. Prices will be more in […]

  • How to Sign a Painting

    How to Sign a Painting

    Adding your signature to a painting is like adding a stamp to it that reads “finished”. It’s a sign that you’re satisfied with the painting and no longer consider it a work in progress. Is It Really Necessary to Sign a Painting? It’s not a legal requirement, but if you don’t add your name to […]

  • Juried Art Shows

    Juried Art Shows

    On occasion I am asked to help jury an art exhibit. These requests are never answered right away. This is a great responsibility, of course not life and death, but responsibility nevertheless. Always I am an artist and as such experience the anticipation and often the disappointment when the juror’s results come back. How long […]


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